Dignity Brain Health

Dignity Brain Health

Insurances Accepted
AetnaAllWaysAnthemAnthem Blue CrossBeacon Health OptionsBlue Cross Blue ShieldBlue Cross Blue Shield of TexasBlue Shield of CaliforniaBMC HealthNetCignaEmpire BlueCrossFallonGEHAHarvard Pilgrim Health CareHealth NetHighmarkHumanaMBHPMedicaidMedicareMultiPlanMultiplan/PHCSOptumOtherSelf-PayTriCareUMRUnitedUnited Behavioral HealthUnited HealthcareWellPoint
Conditions Treated
DepressionMajor Depressive Disorder
Treatments Offered
Medication ManagementPharmacogenetic TestingPsychiatric ServicesTheta BurstTMS TherapyTMS Therapy (Magventure)
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday :   9AM-6PM

Massachusetts and New Hampshire Psychiatry Medication Management and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy Near You


At Dignity Brain Health, we don’t just treat conditions — we as a clinic care for you as a person with dignity. Our expert clinicians provide personalized psychiatry services, including psychiatric medication management, and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) therapy, to help you through your mental health journey. Whether you’re facing depression, anxiety, ADHD, PTSD, OCD, or some other condition, we’re here to accompany you through illness and recovery, offering evidence-based care with compassion and solidarity. We proudly serve patients throughout Massachusetts (including Boston, Cambridge, Worcester, Lowell, Brockton, Newton, Somerville, Framingham, and Quincy) and New Hampshire (including Manchester, Nashua, and Concord), with in-person psychiatry care in the Boston, MA area and convenient online telehealth appointments. Whether for medications or TMS therapy for depression, begin your path to mental wellness with Dignity Brain Health today!

Treatments Offered
Medication ManagementPharmacogenetic TestingPsychiatric ServicesTheta BurstTMS TherapyTMS Therapy (Magventure)
Conditions Treated
DepressionMajor Depressive Disorder
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday :   9AM-6PM
Insurances Accepted
AetnaAllWaysAnthemAnthem Blue CrossBeacon Health OptionsBlue Cross Blue ShieldBlue Cross Blue Shield of TexasBlue Shield of CaliforniaBMC HealthNetCignaEmpire BlueCrossFallonGEHAHarvard Pilgrim Health CareHealth NetHighmarkHumanaMBHPMedicaidMedicareMultiPlanMultiplan/PHCSOptumOtherSelf-PayTriCareUMRUnitedUnited Behavioral HealthUnited HealthcareWellPoint