Conditions Treated by Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

TMS Therapy Near Me specializes in matching potential TMS patients with TMS Center providers treating individuals living with treatment-resistant mental health disorders. We understand that medications may not always be effective and cause intolerable side effects, leaving those suffering without an answer. 

That’s why our providers listed in our TMS Therapy directory are committed to providing a comprehensive care plan tailored to each individual’s needs that can provide relief from their symptoms.

Providers in our experienced and equipped with the latest technology to provide Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) Therapy which has been proven safe, non-invasive, and effective in treating a variety of mental health conditions. Let us help you take back control of your mental health.

TMS therapy, or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation, is a neural modulation technology that was FDA-cleared in 2008 for the treatment of the major depressive disorder. In the decade since its approval, TMS therapy has been found to offer promising results in treating not only depression but also anxiety disorders. As well as providing significant symptom relief and remission rates for those with MDD, unexpected benefits have been reported for those struggling with co-occurring anxiety. The efficacy of TMS therapy makes it an increasingly popular option among those seeking mental health care.

Which Mental Health Disorders Can TMS Treat?

TMS is a great tool for treating multiple mental health conditions, including:
  • Depression: TMS can help reduce depressive symptoms and improve overall mood. It has been FDA-approved for both acute and maintenance treatment of depression since 2008.
  • Anxiety: TMS therapy for anxiety can also decrease anxiety levels by helping to calm the mind. Regular sessions have been shown to provide long-term relief from anxious thoughts and feelings.
  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): TMS helps to reduce PTSD symptoms by targeting the areas of the brain associated with fear and anxiety. This can help people feel more in control of their emotions and better able to cope with stressful situations.
  • Addiction: TMS can also be used to treat addiction, specifically for those who are struggling with substance abuse or alcohol use disorder. It has been shown to help break the cycle of addiction behavior by decreasing cravings and helping individuals stay focused on treatment goals.
In addition to these conditions, TMS therapy is being explored as a potential treatment for Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), chronic pain, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. The research is still ongoing but there is promising evidence that TMS may be a viable treatment for these conditions in the future.
Please speak with a qualified mental healthcare professional if you are considering TMS therapy treatment.

TMS therapy for ADHD

TMS therapy for ADHD can improve focus and reduce impulsivity by stimulating specific areas of the brain associated with attention control. Regular sessions have been shown to enhance concentration and behavioral regulation, providing long-term benefits for individuals with ADHD.