Mindful TMS Neurocare – Chicago

Mindful TMS Neurocare – Chicago

Insurances Accepted
AARPAetnaAmbetterAnthemAnthem Blue CrossBeacon Health OptionsBlue Cross Blue ShieldCignaComPsychCoventryEmpire BlueCrossHighmarkHumanaIndependenceMagellan HealthMedicareMeritain HealthOptumOtherSelf-PayTriCareUMRUnitedUnited Behavioral HealthUnited Healthcare
Conditions Treated
AddictionAnxietyAutismBipolar DisorderDepressionEating DisordersMajor Depressive DisorderMigrainesNeurological PainNicotine CessationOCDPanic DisorderParkinsonsPostpartum DepressionPTSDSleep DisorderSmoking CessationSocial AnxietyTinnitusTrauma/AbuseTraumatic Brain Injury
Treatments Offered
nTMSrTMSSAINT ProtocolTheta BurstTMS TherapyTMS Therapy (Magventure)TMS-fMRI
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday :   9AM-5PM

Meet the Providers

Anita Rao, M.D.

Anita Rao, MD, is a resident physician and psychiatrist at Mindful TMS Neurocare Centers, providing comprehensive mental...

First In Chicago Offering Neuronavigated TMS Therapy
In All 5 Clinics

(We also offer dTMS, rTMS, nTMS and SAINT Protocol)

Struggling with depression that won’t go away? Discover how FDA-approved TMS therapy can help you find relief without medication. Contact us to learn more about this non-invasive depression treatment today! Best TMS Center in Chicago and suburban areas of Skokie, Hinsdale, Crystal Lake and Wheaton.

Treatments Offered
nTMSrTMSSAINT ProtocolTheta BurstTMS TherapyTMS Therapy (Magventure)TMS-fMRI
Conditions Treated
AddictionAnxietyAutismBipolar DisorderDepressionEating DisordersMajor Depressive DisorderMigrainesNeurological PainNicotine CessationOCDPanic DisorderParkinsonsPostpartum DepressionPTSDSleep DisorderSmoking CessationSocial AnxietyTinnitusTrauma/AbuseTraumatic Brain Injury
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday :   9AM-5PM
Insurances Accepted
AARPAetnaAmbetterAnthemAnthem Blue CrossBeacon Health OptionsBlue Cross Blue ShieldCignaComPsychCoventryEmpire BlueCrossHighmarkHumanaIndependenceMagellan HealthMedicareMeritain HealthOptumOtherSelf-PayTriCareUMRUnitedUnited Behavioral HealthUnited Healthcare